Monday, June 29, 2009

Our parental rights are being taken away ! Part 1

The post below was an e-mail I received from the Organization Parental Rights. I encourage you to read the letter below I posted and to act on it as soon as possible. WE need to call and voice our opposition to the UN Laws being forced on us. These laws may seem harmless, but they threaten the family unit and are stripping us of our God given rights to love, protect, provide, teach, train, raise our children. This concerns all American families, homeschooling or not homeschooling.

I strongly encourage you to visit it is a community that is standing guard and informing us as to how our God given rights need to be protected.

Watch this short video clip of Interview with Micheal Farris (Founder of HSLDA and Parental Rights and Constitutional Lawyer


Our parental rights are being taken away ! Part 2

Dear Friend of Parental Rights,

Monday in a Harlem middle school, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice told a group of 120 students that administration officials are actively discussing “when and how it might be possible to join” (that is, ratify) the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). As before, she also communicated what a disgrace it is that the U.S. would stand with only Somalia against such a widely-accepted treaty.

This is the first direct public statement by the Obama administration that it will seek ratification of the UN CRC.

In my 30 years of political involvement, I have learned to recognize this as what is called a “trial balloon.” Like in World War I trench warfare, our opponents have “sent up a balloon” to see if it will draw fire. If things remain quiet, they will proceed with their plans to push for ratification of the CRC in the U.S. Senate.

To discourage them from doing so, we need to make sure that our voices are heard with unmistakable clarity. We must let the Obama administration know that we oppose this anti-family, anti-American treaty.

Here’s what we need you all to do:

1. Call the White House comments line at 202-456-1111. Tell them you heard the administration wants to ratify the CRC, and you strongly oppose this giving away of U.S. sovereignty to the UN. Also keep in mind that this treaty gives the government jurisdiction to override any decision made by any parent if the government thinks that a better decision can be made—even if there is no proof of any harm.

2. Call Ambassador Susan Rice’s office at the United Nations. Tell her that you want her to represent the United States to the world rather than trying to get the United States to go along with international law initiated by the UN. Her office number is 212-415-4000.

3. Contact your Senators and urge them to oppose ratification of this treaty. (Find your Senators’ contact information by typing your zip code into the box here.) Ask them also to defeat it once and for all by cosponsoring SJRes 16 – the Parental Rights Amendment.

It is very important that we speak up right now. Please call before you close this email!


Michael Farris

Sunday, June 28, 2009


When our family began homeschooling we were still getting a feel for what books and curriculum worked for us and what did not work for us. Our oldest daughter was struggled a bit with math. Math is not one of her strongest subjects. She is stronger in the subject of reading books and language arts. She was 5yrs. old when we started out using the curriculum MATH U SEE, it is simple and very user friendly for both teacher (parent) and child, but then I became enticed by a more flashier and expensive math curriculum. We made the purchase and started the lesson plans, but soon found it was not a good match for our family. Very quickly we switched back to Math U SEE . We have found, all though not perfect, it is very close to perfect. We have been using this math curriculum for 4 years and now we use it with our youngest daughter.

Math U SEE Benefits:

Very user friendly for Teacher (parent) and child.

Inexpensive compared to other programs.

Works great for teaching comprehension math skills to right-brain or left-brain dominant people.

Has simple, easy to use, colorful manipulative blocks that may or may not be used by your child starting from primer to advanced high school levels. The option is up to you and/or your child.

Each student has, his or her, own consumable work book. Which can be a pro or con depends on how you see it.

The teacher has a his or her own teachers Manuel.

This is really great! Each level comes with a fun, step by step for each lesson, instinctual DVD. The girls and I truly like watching these DVDs. Very helpful.

Math is no longer a chore to be hated. There is no more crying from me or our daughter. Math NO longer takes hours to accomplish, and it is NO longer a scary school subject for any of us in our family.

Thank you Math U See.

If anyone is interested in looking it up, just click on the link provided.
Hope this helps anyone who is struggling with math.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to start homeschooling

Education is probably one of the best gifts and privileges that you can give to your children. While there are many good schools out there that you can enroll your child in, there is also an option to home school him or her. Despite the fact that not many parents make that choice, homeschooling can prove to be as effective as a traditional school as a learning tool - if, of course, done the right way. Parents need to be aware that this is a full-on role of becoming both parent and teacher to their children. If this is all okay with you, you then need to learn how to start homeschooling your child.

However, homeschooling does not mean that you drastically take your child out of the room and bury him or her into work. In fact, experts recommend that you don't do anything straight away - instead, you should provide your child an area to relax. If any, reading books together should be your focus. This allows the child to make a smoother transition from an actual school to studying at home.

You yourself should also be familiar with guidelines and tricks on how to start homeschooling. Read up on reference materials, and get together with other parents who have experienced doing a similar thing. Get feedback and input from them and incorporate the suggestions you find will be more effective for your kid. Be aware of the homeschooling laws in your state. While it is legal in most, if not all, states, there might be some local organizations or schools that may not necessarily be on the same side.

Next, you'll need to customize your home-based curriculum in terms of your child's interests. Learn to explore different fields of study that many not necessarily be included in most schools' curricula. Your child may have an area of interest that you could possibly add into your study schedule so that he is motivated and will look forward to what each session has in store.

Learn to be creative! This is the key skill that any parent or teacher must possess. Children have relatively lower attention spans than adults, and so keeping their attention rapt and focused on the lesson is of the essence. Get input from local teachers and learn from their techniques, as they experience this year after year with their classes.

All in all, learning how to start homeschooling is a great bonding process for both you and your child. As you take on a double role of parent and teacher, your child will appreciate you more, and in turn, you'll be able to spend as much time with your child and be in tune with their academic progress as much as possible.

A lot more tips on homeschooling can be found at

We came across this article on printable crossword puzzles for your children, it is FREE and it sounds like it might be fun...

Printable Crossword Puzzles

Crosswords are one of the great things to develop the skills of your kid. There is no need that you have to get a book for crosswords. Due to advancements in modern day technology, these sort of crosswords can be obtained from the Internet itself. They are called as the printable crossword puzzles for kids. There is a real need to develop the brain of kids. It is the right time to do so, that is when your child is a kid, to start initiating his brain to think. The crosswords and other activities will help your kid to think more and hence, his brain starts to develop. As a result of this, your kid becomes sharper and mentally very fit and competitive. Today's world is far too much competitive and hence only person with knowledge and intelligence can survive easily. Hence the need for developing a kid's brain is very significant and very much a need. There are many ways to do so and one of them is by crossword puzzles.

Crossword provide your kid with a chance to develop aptitude skills and also helps to develop other skills related to brain. There are many types of crossword puzzles involving language skills, mathematical skills and so on. Traditionally it has been the books that had these crossword puzzles. But nowadays there is internet that helps you to get them easily. There are a lot of websites that has thousands o these printable crossword puzzles or kids. They can be seen, printed and given to your kid. These sort of crossword puzzles are available free o cost in many sites. So, a person can browse through them and select a puzzle for their kid with apt difficulty level. Also they give you the option to print the puzzle. You may hand out the printed puzzle to your kid to solve. The sites also provide answer key and solutions to the crossword puzzles. But there are some sites that charge a bit for these service. Though they charge, there is quality in these sites. Many of them are devised by trained professionals, who are experts in the field. They give you the apt kind of difficulty level. They also provide with valuable feed backs and hence you can train your kid in the area, where he or she is lagging. Also these sites increase the difficulty levels on passage of time. They also have the crossword puzzle for different age limits.

A person is left to choose from thousands of puzzles. So a parent must choose an apt puzzle with apt difficulty level for his kid. After choosing, the crossword puzzle can be printed and can be given to your kid. This is the basic concept behind printable crossword puzzle for kids. The printable crossword puzzle helps your kid to become sharper and more competitive. These prove to be the first steps to what is going to be a tough life for them. These help them and ensure their competitive edge and hence make them better individuals.

For more information about printable crossword puzzle for kids and other printable baby stuff, check out my Free Baby Stuff site.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

" Daddy, this is the best Fathers Day ever ! ! ! " is pure joy, plain and simple, when we let go of what our ideas are for education and how we need to teach something quite beautiful starts to take place. The Holy Spirit reaches in and touches the hearts and minds of our children. He opens them up to see His creation and puts a curiosity inside of our little ones. There are days when the Lord says, " sit back and watch how I teach. " Fathers Day, June 21, 2009, was one of those JOYful days.

Our youngest daughter just loves to get her hands into the dirt. Any part of Gods creation is just fine with her to investigate, for example, trees, plants, rocks, critters, you get the idea. This year we went to Grandpa's and Grandma's house out in the country for Fathers Day. They have a pond in the back yard filled with all kinds of fun stuff to explore and ask questions about, and we all had so much fun. Our youngest went fishing with her uncle, and guess what she caught? A big, old, green, slimy bull frog. Well she just wrapped her hands around that frog, and she just thought he was the most wonderful frog she had ever seen (we have pictures posted to show you.) and she wanted to keep the frog but we would not let her. She released him back into Grandpas pond. A few minutes later she caught another frog and this time ran up to her Daddy asking all kinds of questions about her new slimy friend. She looked up at her father with her big bright eyes all full of excitement and said, "Daddy, this is the best Fathers Day ever ! ! ! "

Then all of us shared the experience of seeing and feeling tiny, little baby toads jumping all over the grass and on our feet. They were only a quarter inch big and so fragile. We all enjoyed picking up the tiny little toads. The best part is that our children ( as well as us, adults ) were enjoying the Lords' creation in a natural setting. This was a great science class! You can not beat a living education, and when it is combined with lesson books/plans then you are on the way to having well rounded mind and heart.

Remember, the Lord said, come let us reason together.....

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hello everyone,
First things first, our family would like to dedicate this blog to our Lord and Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ. All that is good and all of the blessings that have been in our lives has come from Him. Without Him nothing is possible, but with Him in us all things are possible because He is our strength.

Looking back over the years I can see all of the God inspired events in our family's lives. It fills me with awe to think of how His Holy Spirit personally guides us, for our family it started with the seeds of interest in having a personal, living, daily relationship with Him. Through this the Holy Spirit placed strong convictions in myself and Mark's heart about creation, God's plan & purpose for our family, and how did the Lord want us to educate our children. We were lead to home educate as a family. This has been a wonderful yet challenging journey. God the Father has used this calling to bring us closer to Him and to learn more about ourselves and each other.
We hope to share our ideas and experiences with you. We hope that this will encourage you and spur you on towards the Lords' work at hand,(His Kingdom work preparing the bride). God bless and His peace be with you...

" I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye. " PSALM 32:8

Monday, June 15, 2009

Friends and family are gifts from God.

Thank You Lord, for everything in our lives. You have blessed us with your saving grace and mercy. You have blessed us with your only Son. You have blessed us with your Holy Spirit. You have blessed us with loving family,friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, and great neighbors.

You have blessed our family with your grace to home school, and thank you for your blessings. May this blog be used to bring glory and praise to you and to bare evidence to your literal 6 days of creation and the 7th day of rest.